quinta-feira, 2 de fevereiro de 2012


Existem dias que temos uma
sensacao de Liberdade !!!
O Ar parece mais Puro !!!
A Paisagem mais bonita !!!
A Vida acontecendo,
de forma leve,
e nos trazendo Paz !!!

Um comentário:

  1. But, human as we are... many times we abuse that freedom... Cutting trees, throwing garbage in the river, lakes and sea... Last December 16, 2011 here in the Philippines (PARTICULARLY IN MINDANAO REGION- CAGAYAN DE OR AND ILIGAN CITY)THE TYPHOON SENDONG destroyed the properties and many lives of people. According from the researched, the typhoon and flash flood was caused by the DEFORESTATION. The Virgin forest here are no longer to be found because, the illegal loggers cut the trees without REPLANTING... The abusers were not the victims of the typhoon but, the innocent children, new born children and many innocent students died because of the flash flood.
